
Can I Delete System Volume Information

Y'all can make Windows stop creating System Book Information binder on removable drives every time you connect your flash drive to the calculator. If you have such a binder on your removable drive, information technology means that its file system is NTFS. If File Explorer shows it, yous must accept enabled the 'show system files' in folder options.

The System Volume Information folder is located in the root of the drive. It contains important organisation information like restore points, search index database, shadow copies, and a variety of other files .

System Volume Information Folder On Removable Drive

By default, NTFS permissions set up of that folder prevent the user from deleting it. That requires irresolute them or running some app similar command prompt as TrustedInstaller. However, if the drive has the FAT32 or exFAT file system, the user can hands remove it.

If you remove the System Book Data binder from your flash drive, Windows will quickly recreate it. It will comprise at least two files.

Files In The System Volume Information Folder

  • The IndexerVolumeGuid file that will exist created by the Windows Search service (WSearch).
  • The WPSettings.dat file that is generated by the Storage Service (StorSvc).

So, y'all need to disable the creation of the System Volume Information folder on removable drives before you lot delete it. This will prevent Windows from instant recreation of the binder.

Disable the Organisation Book Data Folder for Removable Drives

  1. Press Win + R and enter regedit into the Run box open up the Registry editor.
  2. Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows
  3. Right-click Windows and select New > Key from the context card. Name the new key Windows Search.Create New Key
  4. Finally, to the right of the Windows Search key, create a new 32-scrap DWORD value named DisableRemovableDriveIndexing and gear up it to 1.Disable System Volume Information Folder For Removable Drives
  5. Now, printing Win + R and blazon services.msc in the Run dialog to open the Services snap-in.Run Services Msc
  6. Find the "Storage Service", and double-click it. Select Disabled for the startup type.Disable Storage Service
  7. Restart the operating system.

Washed. From now, Windows won't create the Organization Volume Information folder on on removable drives. You tin can now remove that folder from your USB stick.

Tip: If you lot are running Windows Pro edition or above, you can apply a grouping policy instead of the Registry tweak. Run gpedit.msc, navigate to "Reckoner Configuration\ Administrative Templates\ Windows Components\ Search", and enable the policy "Do not permit locations on removable drives to be added to libraries".Disable The System Volume Information Folder In Group Policy

Remove the Organisation Volume Information folder

Before removing, please go along in heed to the following things.

  • Removing this binder is not mandatory. With default File Explorer settings y'all will never seen it; unless you lot make it evidence protected system files.
  • If your flash bulldoze doesn't contain anything of import, you can only format it. It is much faster than removing the folder using whatsoever method.
  • Since you take already disabled the System Volume Information folder for removable drives, it won't reappear on you calculator. But if you connect your flash bulldoze to some other computer, Windows will create it again.

And so, here'southward how to delete the folder.

Method one

To remove System Book Information from a removable drive, do the following.

  1. Correct-click the folder and selectProperties from the menu.Open Folder Properties
  2. Switch to the Security tab, and click on the Advanced button.Click Advanced Button
  3. Click on theChange link next to the Owner value.Change Owner Link
  4. Now, click the Avant-garde button, click on Notice Now and select your user business relationship from the list, then click OK.Select Your User Account
  5. Click OK again, and bank check the Supercede the possessor for objects and subcontainers.Replace The Owner For Objects And Subcontainers
  6. Press the OK button in the advanced properties dialog, and confirm the replacement in the Windows Security prompt.Replace Permissions Confirmation
  7. Open a command prompt as Ambassador, and blazon the post-obit command: rd "Thou:\organisation volume data" /southward /q. Replace 1000: with the drive letter assigned to your removable drive.Remove System Volume Information

Yous are done. The System Book Information directory is now removed.

Method 2

Download some tool like PowerCMD, ExecTI, or Winaero Tweaker.  Now, run the Command Prompt app (cmd.exe) as TrustedInstaller. The latter is a hidden built-in account in Windows which is set as the owner for mission-disquisitional files and Registry keys. However, if yous execute a program every bit TrustedInstaller, so you are able to access these protected resources without taking ownership and irresolute access permissions.

Install and run Winaero Tweaker, then select "Tools > Run as TrustedInstaller". For the control, type cmd.exe.

Finally, in the Command Prompt, type the familiar command rd "e:\system book information" /s /q. It will remove it directly.Run Cmd As Trustedinstaller

Instead of the cmd.exe app, y'all can run your favorite file manager app, such as Far or Total Commander, and delete the folder from them.

The Storage Service (StorSvc)

As you may remember, earlier we accept disabled the Storage Service to preclude it from creating the WPSettings.dat file. However, this service is important for the operating system, and so keeping it always disabled is a bad idea. For instance, it is required to install and update apps from the Microsoft Store.

Culling to disabling the service, yous can stop information technology on demand. E.g. earlier plugging in your wink disk, stop the service. Subsequently you remove the deejay from the USB port, you can start it again.

Stop Service

Finally, you tin can create an empty file named "System Book Information" without whatsoever extension correct afterward removing the eponymous folder. The file will prevent Windows from creating the folder on any computer. Just you will cease up having an extra file instead of the extra folder in the root of the removable drive.

To create such a file, open a new command prompt and blazon the following command

echo. > K:\"Arrangement Book Information"

Supervene upon G: with the actual alphabetic character of your removable drive.Create An Empty File

That's it.

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